Art Beta Requests
One of the requirements for participating in the Kurtofsky Reverse Bang is to have your work looked over by a beta before you decide it's finished. For artists, this means letting someone look over your art and then accepting critiques from them about anatomy, composition, style, etc.
Betas are there to help you fix the little mistakes -- or the whopping big ones you can't seem to get around. Betas are also great idea sounding boards, and can often help you push through when you hit a wall in your creative process.
Some of you may have already lined up your own beta, and that's great. For those of you who are still looking, we've asked for, and received a few volunteers who are willing to help you out.
Just post your contact info and a brief summary of what, if anything, you're struggling with in the comments of this post, and one of our beta volunteers will get in touch with you as soon as they can.
If you'd like to volunteer to be a beta, yourself, please see
this post.