Media: Fic
Title: Beg For You to Let Me In
citysinsRating: NC-17
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine
Spoilers: None; there are some events re-interpreted from season two, but this is an alternate universe.
Warnings (if any): AU, age difference and mild daddy kink, references to GLBT harassment and bullying, as well as abuse and neglect (most of it off-screen).
Word Count: This part 5,908 - this is a work in progress, but currently sits around 50k.
Summary: Blaine created a safe place for LGBTQ teenagers with Courage House. When Kurt Hummel becomes a resident, all of the rules change.
Author's Note: This started as a fill for a prompt on the glee_kink_meme; the prompt can be found
here. We went in a very different direction from the prompt, ultimately, but at its core there are a lot of the same elements. Finally, we want to thank every single person who followed along on the meme and commented. We know that this fic's subject matter might not be up everyone's alley, and we appreciate that so many people gave us a chance anyway. <3 Thank you to
mcollinknight for the beta.
Read part two here at
LJ or read the fic at