Media: Fic
Title: Sue Sylvester Thinks of the Children
Rating: a high PG-13, bordering on R.
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine, in the background. Blaine has some POV, but this fic is mostly Kurt and Sue. Blaine's back in this chapter though!
Spoilers (if any): 3x05, tiny bits of 3x06 may be mentioned. Nothing after that though
Warnings (if any): Kidnapping, violence, nonconsensual drug use, abuse (Sue is a terrible, terrible, caregiver).
Word Count: 29000 so far, maybe ~35000+ total
Summary: Sue locks Kurt in her basement in an effort to destroy Burt Hummel’s campaign. It goes about as smoothly as one would expect.
Previous: Chapters
Six Chapter Seven at my journal