Fic: At Least For A Little While (1/1)

Mar 12, 2011 03:30

Media: Fanfiction ( Read more... )

media: fanfic, rating: pg

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Comments 22

beanqueen22 March 12 2011, 09:36:53 UTC
I loved this story. I'm really glad you wrote it because no one ever really does think about the way teens who are sick are affected. My Junior year of high school I had the most popular girl in school tell me I needed to donate, saying it was my duty and to think about all the people I could help. I kept trying to tell her I couldn't until finally I told her I have a rare disease and the medication I am taking would literally kill anyone who got my blood. She felt bad, especially since she just got done trying to bully the only girl with cancer in my school into donating blood. I think it's a funny story now. I tell it every once in a while, but at the time I really wished I was able to donate my blood and be like everyone else ( ... )


joyful March 12 2011, 18:07:17 UTC
Yeah, I have pernicious anemia, (And I'm also on medications which would taint the blood supply) and every time there's a local blood drive I hear all the things Kurt heard in this, while people try to coerce me into doing something that I'm medically not supposed to do. It sucks.

I'm glad you liked it!

I've got another fic I wrote for the angst meme in which Kurt has a terminal illness, which is finished (more than 35,000 word, whoa!) and I'm just cleaning it up now. I hope to post it to this comm in a few days, it's called "Down Where the World is Ending."

I'm sorry you've have to go through that. *offers hugs and chocolate and support* I don't know what it's like, personally, to have a terminal illness, but I know what it's like to have chronic problems, and it sucks. *hug*


the_sexypancake March 12 2011, 09:52:22 UTC
This fic was heartbreaking. Amazing job.


joyful March 12 2011, 18:02:35 UTC
Thanks. :D


so_december March 12 2011, 11:06:46 UTC
Thank you for writing such a moving piece. HIV/AIDS hits close to home for me. I'm negative (well, as far as I know anyway) but I did know people who are positive. I applaud you for your accurate portrayal of a person living with HIV.

Reading this kind of made me realise that the HIV/AIDS community is underrepresented in prime time TV, and made me wish that there was a character, not just on Glee, but on TV in general who was Positive. That way, we can raise awareness, banish all stereotypes & destigmatise the disease. The only Positive character I know was one of the puppets on Sesame Street, who was then cut because parents complained that a HIV+ puppet was 'inappropriate for children', which was a real shame.

But this is just me, blabbing :P. Never mind me.

I enjoyed reading this, especially at the end with Blaine holding his hand. It made my heart swell with warmth. Congratulations on writing a beautiful story.


joyful March 12 2011, 18:02:12 UTC
HIV/AIDS is something that's always fascinated/intrigued me, my entire life. I don't know anyone personally who's positive, but all through high school and college, I always used to do all my research papers on HIV, and I have a ton of books about it at home.

The only television show I can think of that really dealt with HIV/AIDS realistically was "Queer as Folk" which ran on Showtime from about 2000 to 2005. I definitely agree that there needs to be more positive people on TV, especially people who aren't sick, but are just going through their everyday lives with the virus in their blood.

In the late eighties and early-to-mid nineties, it was more common to have supporting characters or guest stars on TV who had AIDS, because that was when general knowledge was low, and they were trying to educate people. But today, it seems to have fallen out of the public eye, which I think is a shame.

Sorry for babbling, and I'm glad you like the fic!


so_december March 12 2011, 19:59:48 UTC
I forgot about Queer as Folk! That was a damn good show, that was. But you're right, it's not represented much on tv anymore these days, unlike in the 80's and early 90's.a. People are under the impression that the epidemic is over, where in actual fact the number of people who are infected all over the world has risen. It's scary. Anyway, I look forward to reading more of your fanfics :D.


joyful March 12 2011, 20:02:08 UTC
All of my glee fic eventually gets posted here:

sometimes I hold off on posting WIPS there, but all my completed stuff is there, in case you felt like checking it out. :D


thedustwhispers March 12 2011, 18:11:02 UTC
I'm so glad you wrote this. This issue is never addressed and it really should. This tore me up, though. ):


joyful March 12 2011, 18:28:21 UTC
I'm glad you liked it! :)


xo_oldgreggory March 12 2011, 20:13:16 UTC
I've had a serious blood disease all my life, and I always hear shit like that, lmao. "ARE YOU AFRAID OF BLOOD?" "No, no I'm not. Please fuck off."

This was a fantastic story and I'm just so surprised about how how you're able to make it work~ You're so talenteeeed


joyful March 12 2011, 20:41:25 UTC
I have pernicious anemia, so I totally know hat you mean! I'm glad you like it!


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