here is my post about THE POPE

Apr 04, 2005 23:19

JP2 was hardcore! He took two bullets and didn't die for 23 years. CNN was saying "he's gonna die any minute now" for practically two whole days before he finally went. He was a trooper! (I still think Mother Teresa was cooler, though.)

I feel bad. Not for him, obviously -- he was sick for a long time, and he's better off now. But he was THE POPE, the only pope I've ever known; it will feel really weird having some other guy being THE POPE. I was shocked to learn that before JP2, popes mostly just stayed in Rome and said masses; I'm so used to the idea of THE POPE being someone who travels around in his Popemobile and smiles and waves at crowds.

Still, I can't say I'm not excited at the prospect of cardinals from all over the world locking themselves in the Sistine chapel and gathering in secret rooms and black smoke and white smoke etc. etc. (What's the point of being Catholic if you can't get fired up at a bit of pomp and ritual?) It's also just a little bit hilarious that his funeral is scheduled for the same day as Prince Charles and Camilla's wedding. What kind of born loser future king do you have to be to have the Prime Minister not attend your wedding because "something more important came up"? (EDIT: It seems they've rescheduled the wedding now.)

Let us fight sadness with irreverence! (If only that strip would come true... though I don't know about the 90's hair.)

ADDENDUM: At least in the afterlife, the Pope still rides in style.

webcomics, my dumb world

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