Title: The Wizards of Ceres, chapter 16 - Bloodthirst
Pairing: Kurogane/Fai
Rating: R overall, PG-13 in this chapter
Summary: In which Kurogane and Fai have a very painful but necessary conversation, and come to a meeting of the minds.
Author's notes: Fai gets a lot of flak from me, I'm afraid -- that's how I express affection towards my favorite
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Comments 52
That was so cool! Fai and Kurogane merged and each learned what they needed to from the other. Kurogane was right, at least in part, about him having the power and Fai the knowledge. It seems Kurogane had both but was handicapped by his need for a sword to use his power. But it seems Kurogane was a piece of a puzzle Fai needed to be able to break free. I'd like it if Fai was able to break free from the demon, too.
Now, where, oh where, did he teleport them to?
Good question! You'll have to wait and see! ^_~
Seriously you can't stop there.
Seriously though I thought this would be a better stopping place than last chapter ^^;
But now, I'm looking forward to see what's next.
Does that make me weird?
And I really love the idealized view Fai has of Kurogane here. Frankly, it's just adorable XD
Write moar! I can't wait for the next chapter.
Yeah, Fai is head over heels in love with Kurogane... and now Kurogane knows. Kind of embarrassing for Fai, but it needed to happen. :)
By the way, in case you're wondering, I'm not a really awful reviewer, I usually reveiw on whichever site I get the update on first, and depending on the time of day you update, that's usually ff.net lol.
And yes, the two of them will pretty much have to be more honest with each other from now on. :) And I don't mind which site you review at, honestly!
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