Animé club blog: No votes were harmed in the making of this blog!

Apr 19, 2008 22:59

All we did this animé club was have people show off their stuff for "elections" (seriously, there was no actual voting!), and watched 6 eps of Kino's Journey. It's pretty awesome stuff, but here's an even LONGER rant about it!

~So Kino really is a chick. Even characters within the series mistake her for a guy, so I don't feel so bad now.

~Oh, you wanna stab a little girl who won't comply. Very adult behavior, there.

~I knew Kino (original flavor) was gonna die.

~Do all motorcycles talk in this world, or is Kino (now with more sugar!)  just hearing voices in her head?

~HAH, the city where everyone except one person was dead reminds me of Socrates. He thought exactly what happened in that episode.

~I've been workin' on the railroad, all the live long day~ Likely out of order, but oh well. A worthy comment for the episode where three guys are doing a pointless, yet efficient railroad job.

~I LOVE LOVE LOVE the coliseum arc with a burning passion! The king's so sadistic, the games are exciting and extremely well-done, and talking dogs make everything that much better! I think the animators knew that people would adore this arc, so they made it awesome!

~Flying is awesome. Period.

Also, I wish like 3 more people would buy shirts. We need more for a group discount!

luc animé club

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