free weekends

Nov 18, 2006 11:11

This is my first weekend when neither Sung nor I have to work! =D Except we don't really know what to do. =T We decided to go out and watch a movie at the $2 theatre. I don't know why I'm not entirely happy with that. I want to spend time with him outside...We can't stay inside all day with him working or watching the military channel and me doing...whatever I can find to do. I don't know. Maybe I just want to go out and have lunch together and then just relax doing whatever. Just hanging out and talking for once. We can never do that nowadays. We had lunch together yesterday and he bought me a coffee, but he was thinking about his work the entire time. :( Of course, I can understand that considering he was right in the middle of work. But I'm sure he'll be doing the same thing if we went to hang out today.

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