
Sep 15, 2006 15:56

No matter what changes, you can never be completely happy with life. That totally sucks. =T I move to Japan and I have the most wonderful time of my life...while also having some of the worst times of my life. I move back to America and I'm getting my act together and moving on. Now I'm doing things that I'm really happy about and life is good...most of it anyway. I've lost the best things I had in Japan; the replacements are great, but I miss what I had so much. I wonder sometimes if I don't regret not recontracting for a second year.

I miss so many of my students so much. I miss the place and the people too...Mostly, I miss my students. It makes me want to cry sometimes. I wish I could talk to them or at least hear from them again. I'd love to see them again and hang out like we used to at school.

Japan. huh. I never thought one year in one place could give me the best and equally worst memories of a lifetime.

God I miss those kids...If only I could hear something, anything from them. It breaks my heart, I miss them so much... >__
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