Tagged by
owlbee -unnie and her bff~ <3
Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goal about you. At the end, choose 7 people to be tagged
1. I think stuffed toy and non-living things have feelings too
2. I can't live without my 2 stuffed toys by my side. Namely Kane-chan and Onew. They're my bestfriends
3. I want to be a doctor in the future!!!!!!!!
4. I love Cinderella (yes, I still flail like a 3 year old kid when I watch the movie, in fact... Imma go watch it right now! XD)
5. I cried when I watched the fireworks special when we went to HK Disneyland. *sniff* *sniff*
6. I love to dance a lot!!!
7. My mom told me that I was somewhat autistic when I was a kid and she didn't know how I became to be so hyperactive now. LOL
8. My friends always turn their backs at me when I tell a joke.
9. Everyone says that I'm corny.
10. I love to bite the sides of my fingers.
11. I was bullied when I was in grade school (AAAAW!!! But who cares about that. Not important anymore! LOL)
12. I love my college friends
13. My sisters think that l'm the next Hyunah O__O;;;;
14. My friends think that I'm narcissistic... (I was like, so taking pictures of myself is now a sin.)
15. I cannot work in a place with a lot of mirrors, because I'll always end up fixing myself.
16. I just typed the number 19 instead of 16
17. I forgot what I was supposed to write on number 16
18. I love to hate horror films.
19. I am currently counting how many more I have to write to finish the 25 numbers. LOL
20. Speaking of numbers, I love the number 4 and 7!!!
21. I hate my math teacher.
22. I use my allowance to buy shiny stickers!! I love stickers~ <3
23. I love playing with children, but sometimes you just gotta hate them.
24. I am excited to take up my Spanish subject when I reach my 4th yr in college/
25. I love to travel!!! I prefer traveling at night and at dawn. There's a certain atmosphere that I love about nightime. ^.^;;;
7 people:
kahahel ,
shiningjuliette ,
dubukaichan ,
ubermensch12 ,
changed_reality ,
sweetfragrance9 ,
ringdingdong19 I was supposed to watch Cinderella after answering the meme but suddenly there comes my mother barging in saying that she'll watch TV... I was like "WHY NOW?!?! TT_TT" I wanna watch Cinderella already. :<