Ugh annoying teens

May 25, 2012 14:28

I played Strangetown a bit and because I love Olive so much I wanted to give her new toys.
The chemistry between the 3 was amazing, they constantly rolled wants about the other two.
However, only Fricorith behaved, the second Gvaudoin rolled new wants they were "be cured of vampirism" and "buy vampirocilin-d". I waited a few days hoping she would change her mind, then cured her, waited a bit, and transformed her again. She still wanted to be cured.
Meanwhile, Fricorith who had been absolutely perfect all this time for a Popularity sim (probably about one sim week), fell under the influence of his cousin and suddenly wanted to be cured aswell.
So far my only 3 supernatural sims are Olive (vampire), Nervous (werewolf), and Bella (witch). Only Olive is a Knowledge sim (primary or secondary), yet none ever rolled the want to become normal again.
What actually triggers it ?

I'm going to let these two be dead for a little longer, and rez them on their own lot when someone moves there, because I am thoroughly disappointed in these kids and they're grounded.

(I blame simlili both for making me want to play them in the first place and for letting her wizards not wanting to be wizards get to the head of my poor sims ! :D)
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