Jul 07, 2011 01:23

Messy update because well, I can.

Can you guess who these two are ?

Sugar daddy Daniel Pleasant and Nina Caliente, here moving into an apartment.

Daniel's new lover styling his ex-wife's hair while his previous lover lurks in the background. Sims <3

Mary-Sue seems to be addicted to vacations,

And has a very useful butler.

Another butler, a different function: to keep Jawed Landgraab entertained.

As cute as Jawed is, he is no match for Florence Delarosa.

No, I'm serious. I can't get enough of her.

Florence: *pretends to be cross while watching non-existing footbag*
Kuri: *swoons*

Chester Gieke looks adorable while working hard,

While at home, Jodie and Jason party

And I learn that I fail at decorating patios (like everything else truthfully).

They don't mind though <3

Getting acquainted with the newer generation, uni kids.

Lily and Angie are there too, I'm experimenting with their looks.

And Dirk, who I have to stop stalking in the bathroom, but he's so handsome.

delarosa, caliente, pleasant, dreamer, pleasantview, larson

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