May 08, 2006 22:38
To what extent can faith be believed in? If I am destined to end up somewhere as someone, will I still get there if I do nothing? Will I be moved from this seat if I refuse to move on my own? Is destiny fulfilled, or is it simply reached?
And if destiny cannot control me, if it cannot bend me--then why should I bend forth to its will? If destiny is powerless to change me, then fate is not worth believing in. After all, how important can it be, if little me can screw it up?
Is it that I can only trust that fate played a part when something has happened, but not when waiting for something to come? Is direction granted, and not already there? Is fate just another comfort of the hopelessly dead?
Politics, schemes, secrets and assasinations--now there's an opiate I can't refuse (reading: Princess manhwa).