Writer's Block: Passing the time

Nov 16, 2010 00:11

What's your favorite thing to do on long car rides?
Normally, listen to music and thinking about my writing projects. I see long drives as a great time to let my mind free-drift, because I can come up with some amazing insights. My characters just seem to speak to me during these times. Sadly, this also gives plot bunnies the time to birth new ideas that I write down by habit. Half the time I scrap them as pure nonsense, but some are worth keeping.

Also, depending on the time, I have to keep a running conversation with my mom since most long rides include her driving ^^; if I don't, she might fall asleep or get lost. Me chattering away in her ear keeps her mind on the road. Though, sometimes our discussions get so involved that we get lost anyway! *laughs*

writer's block

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