Writer's Block: Fall Fashion

Sep 17, 2010 02:38

What's your favorite trick for freshening up your wardrobe?
Most of the time I'm casual and comfy; rarely will people see me out of my jeans and t-shirts. Sometimes I'll put on a more feminine shirt or wear brighter colors instead of my cool, earth-tone appearance if I feel like putting more effort into it. And sometimes I'm feeling a smudge more confident in my looks and want to show it by wearing more jewelry. The number one thing I do when I'm freshing up my wardrobe is wear a necklace. I have an interesting collection and depending on what I'm wearing, they can tell those close to me my mood.

For instance, when I'm in a fun and social mood, I'll wear my plastic cartoon-style octopus necklace, when I'm relaxed and easy-going, my silver turtle that connects me to my native american roots. When I'm creative, you'll find around my neck my dual necklace of a bired in flight and an empty birdcage; to me it symbolizes my imagination having free reign over my senses. Yeah, a lot of animal-related necklaces, huh? When I feel centered instead of flailing out of control in society, I wear a blue stone with copper bands across it's middle that my grandmother gave me. If I'm in a mischievious mood, I have a cylinder necklace that I can hide notes in, and if I'm in an anti-social mood, odds are good you'll see my mock dogtags around my neck.

Yes, I do have pierced ears, but most of my earrings are for serious, special occasions, and I'm also sensitive to the metals so I don't wear them for long periods of time. So rarely do I go beyond the studs or simple bar earrings, I only change them when the occasion calls for it or if I'm sick of staring at the same earrings for weeks on end.

My skin is very sensitive to chemicals and heavy perfumes, so it'll be a once-in-a-lifetime occurance if I'm seen wearing rings or bracelets, though, for the first few days of a new school semester at college, I wear a simple gold band around my left ring finger to discourage guys harrassing me. I'm there to LEARN and possibly make friends, dating never enters the equation. Yes, that is my own choice, too, not encouraged by my family except to amuse them. I love but one watch, and it's battery died just after the company closed, so once it's fixed, that's the only thing one will see on my arms... besides new catscratches and scars ^^;

p.s.- why do I do the writer's block separate from the sponsered link where it can be viewed with other answers? Because I like to. I only post the questions I like and I only answer those ones, too. I put them up here for quirky, fun tidbits to prove I am still alive.

writer's block

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