"Error Message: You Suck" Me: O.O BAKABAKASHI! *hits computer*

May 19, 2010 06:06

You know, I'm really not a violent person--

Theo: Good one, let's see who will believe that!

--unless provoked, Theo, would you like to be an example?

Theo: *hides in doghouse*

My temper is a strange one, really. I can get really worked up, incadescent rages, but it'll be over pretty fast, leaving me numb and exhausted. Also, for most people, that fuse can be miles long. For my grandmother, ten seconds, but for most others, all they get is sarcasm.

Well, this was something I was hoping to avoid sharing, but this latest development won't let it rest. Back in February, my computer was hit with a virus that attacked it's main system files. Nothing was working and I was watching my computer be eaten alive, so I did the failsafe the last computer repairman said: when in doubt, restore point.

Before this virus, I somehow locked myself out of administrative tools like Task Manager (and every expert I've asked STILL is scratching their heads about how I managed that) but I learned to work around those problems. Now, I have to physically make the trail that connects programs and files together. Some programs are now either missing from my computer, or won't respond at all.

I could still bring up the important stuff with minimum fuss and figured I can do this at my own pace, because I had other things going on beyond a messed-up computer like uni, surgery, etc. The only thing I found inconvenient was, after turning my computer back on, I have to uninstall, restart, then reinstall my DVD burner for the stupid thing to work. This takes about 2 hours each time, so it's tedious and usually only done when I decide to spend the day burning things off. Thus, slacking off a little more because, hey, it starts coming off like counting the ceiling fan blades if you stare long enough.

Today, I was looking through my folders for a story I wrote last month and, to my horror, couldn't find. Then, I decided to tear through everything I had to find it. At the end of my pillaging, I've decovered that no, I have not misplaced it even when I KNOW I saved it, I am missing the file holding the HTML for my webpage, fics and pics I've saved since the virus are also missing and some things had been renamed.

Yeah, it rang through my head, too. DANGER!

I tightened up security as much as I could and decided that removing everything and reinstalling windows was the best course of action. However, that's going to take a while, because the stupid DVD burner likes to take a few hours break after every ten discs I burn. I've also disconnected my external to keep more things from disappearing, and am calling on Coal to see if his computer tech friend can help since he's like House MD to computers.

That, and I'm also going to make sure to get better security. leilany already gave me a rec that I've heard repeated on forums, so that's covered, it's just the getting there that's frustrating.

yamipenguin, I hate to say that the majority of pics I was gonna use for your icon were part of the vanishing lot, and since the virus won't let me pull up my photoshop, I'm gonna have to do a raincheck on that request of yours. I'm sorry, I know you've been patiently waiting for it, but I will do it when the computer is back up.

*sniffles* Poison for Three.... you could have been great..... *weeps* I hate losing writing on the computer! Makes me wonder why I ever agreed to using the stupid things!
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