Writer's Block: Famous Last Words

Nov 10, 2009 02:53

If you were close to death, what would you choose for your last words? To whom would you want to say them?
I would probably call the relative I am least friendly with to my side, and before I die, only manage to say, "T-the family... fortune... is hidden in.... *dead*." Because, knowing my luck, the vultures will be circling my body just waiting for me to bite the dust. Like I have anything except my belongings that'll likely be auctioned before I'm moved to the morgue. My mother, grandmother, and friends would likely keep the rest of the family away, except for the two or three members who I still consider family.

I think I would like to go laughing. Let's relax and tell jokes, reminise on humorous events that will never get boring... maybe it's selfish, but I don't want to leave behind tears. I'd feel pretty miserable if the mere thought of me would bring anyone to tears... well, those I love anyway. ^___^v

Ah, and speaking of death, this is my message to let the minority who really give a beep about me know I survived my low-risk surgery. Break out the booze and brink me a bottle while you're at it!

writer's block

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