It's been one of those days when I've had no lectures and instead spent eight hours reading. I've got around to reading ten chapters today (let's ignore that nine of those were in a tiny book and averaged in length with three pages).
I just realised that I just stopped posting pictures of my amigurumi. Whoops?
This one's called Cilla and I made her back in May.
I crocheted this one the same week as
Busmusen and it was a birthday gift for my grandpa. She's made to look like their dog, Cilla.
She's better at sitting than the real Cilla - real Cilla has got too much energy to sit still for long periods!
A rather boring picture from the side. I used a piece of a pipe cleaner to be able to bend the tail, as the real Cilla keeps her tail semi-like this.
Name: Cilla
Height: 7 cm (3 inches), from paws to head
I used: White and brown acrylic yarn, crocheting needle 2½ mm (circa 0.1 inches), child-proof eyes 9mm (0.35 inches), white pipe cleaner
Pattern: Dog from Virka Roliga Amigurumi by Mia Bengtsson
Finished: May 2011