I've decided to give up this challenge and just use the table as a prompt table to complete at my leisure. I'm so far behind and life is difficult, so I don't think I'll be able to catch up. Or have the motivation to do so. Life is rather difficult at the moment.
I have a confession - sometimes I don't bother to enlarge the image prompts. It means that I write about what I think I see instead of what the pictures actually show.
Title: Brand New Day
kurainokooriRating: G
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Darlene Yang
Genre: Gen
Warnings: None
charloft's 100 drabbles of Summer, prompt #1 Dust
Summary: Darlene is going to open a floristry.
Brand New Day )
Title: It's Getting Hot in Here
kurainokooriRating: G
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Maja, Jonas, Jonas/Maja
Genre: Romance
Warnings: None
charloft's 100 drabbles of Summer, prompt #56
Image PromptSummary: The honeymoon continues... despite the sweltering heat.
It's Getting Hot in Here )
Title: A Horse, a Horse, My Kingdom for a Horse
kurainokooriRating: G
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Maja, Jonas, Jonas/Maja
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Warnings: None
charloft's 100 drabbles of Summer, prompt #59
Image PromptSummary: There's a horse on the beach. Jonas is enchanted. Maja sneakily takes pictures of them together.
A Horse, a Horse, My Kingdom for a Horse )
Title: It Ain't Easy
kurainokooriRating: G
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Maja, Jonas, Jonas/Maja
Genre: Angst
Warnings: None
charloft's 100 drabbles of Summer, prompt #79 Author's Choice - Easy
Summary: Honeymoon's over.
It Ain't Easy )
Title: Rocking the Boat
kurainokooriRating: G
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Maja, Jonas, Jonas/Maja
Genre: Ge
Warnings: None
charloft's 100 drabbles of Summer, prompt #62
Image PromptSummary: The argument continues.
Rocking the Boat )