so today i finished an outfit for a fashion designer competition down here, and am sending it out tomorrow. i'm really happy with the way it turned out, and it's the first time i've gotten something done on time without horrible all nighters and waaay too much stress. i'm really proud of myself. it's the first thing i've done in quite a long time as well, it feels pretty good to be vaguely productive again. >.< i'd post pictures, but unfortunately i have to wait until after the competition is over, not allowed to publish any images of it beforehand.
first group i made for
writtenblade (mushroom and dragon) and
yukiichigo (ninja and kitty) for christmas...
giant totoro (hey, more than a foot tall is giant for an amigurumi, thank-you very much) that freaking took forever for
writtenblade 's birthday, random bunny, and even more random little star (i was at work when i made those and only had black yarn with me, haha >.>;;;)
aaand, a weird little alien rabbit thing... just because
i've made a couple more, i just need to take pictures of them. anyways, that's about it for today, just felt like posting 'cause i was feeling accomplished ^_^