so i've decided to elaborate on on my last post about the concertina accordion coveting. i've recently had this giant fit of "HOLY CRAP, I'VE GOTTEN ALL STALE AND BORING, AND I HATE ALL MY CLOTHES, AND I'VE LOST MY CREATIVE MOJO AND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING WITH MY LIFE"...... my mom didn't help matters by responding with "yeah, actually, you've been dressing really boring lately, you need to be more crazy"....
so yeah, i'm doing this whole soul-searching, re-evaluation of what do i like, and who am i, and crap, and have even gone to the extent of buying a self-help book to help improve my creativity in a 12 week program (which is mind boggling if you know how skeptical a person i am). i've decided that, while i still sort of like goth clothes and music and such, it's a little too heavy and oppressive for me these days (plus the clothing style has just been way overdone and i'm sick to death of skulls and pirate gear being absolutely everywhere these days). i think lolita is adorable, but it simply isn't something i can wear with my body type, and other than drinking lots of tea (which i already do) and sitting around looking like a doll, there isn't much else to participate in that i'm interested in or have access to. other than those things i was having trouble finding a direction to go with my clothes/aesthetics/artistic style/general life type stuffs... all very frustrating...
then i remembered steampunk, which i've been aware of for a fair while, and have always liked a lot, but for some reason never got into. i thought to myself "hey, victorian/edwardian clothing style with lots of freedom to play around and create your own look, more of a light-hearted attitude, fun music, fondness for DIY, plus lets me exercise my goth side a bit, and hasn't been done to death yet!". and seriously, who DOESN'T want to play around with cogs and gears and springs and pocket watches and goggles and... er, sorry, as you can see, i've well and truly been swept away. i don't know how hardcore i'll get into it, i have no idea how much of a scene (if any) there is down here in hobbit-land, but i think just the small change in direction should help me a great deal. i've been feeling much more motivated lately all ready(even if i don't know what exactly i'm motivated to do), and i can't wait to start making myself some new clothes.
so yeah, i guess that's why i'm posting all of a sudden too, you know, upheaval in life causes uncontrollable self-centered blathering about it online. but at least it's kinda good upheaval this time! ^_^ so be wary of more random posts from yours truly possibly in the near future.
p.s. in regards to my last post, the idea of an
accordion death squad amuses me to no end, and
these girls are fun