today was quite busy~~
to start out, we went to the park to sail our boats. it was rather hard to get the hang of it, but after it sailed quite well. the only problem was, when we finally got a teacher over to grade our sailing, the keel broke off. so i don't know what will happen with that. but whatever. the rest of the time we got to spend eating, playing, or doing whatever we wanted to. ms. brakel got mad at me for studying while i should have been relaxing though ^^; there were quite a few birds at the park. kind of strange. the geese were really annoying. XD they were so loud~~! the ducks were ok except that there were so many of them. i was afraid they were going to knock our boat over. XD;
after that, i went to alyssa's house. she had fun trying to curl my hair (which we failed at miserably and had to fix with the straightener) and putting makeup on me. i made the huge mistake of letting her take a picture. but whatever. x_X;;
then it was time for sadies.
we went, and for the first half hour there was like.. no one there. then people started showing up and i introduced her to everyone. basically we hung out with the asian crew (well those of us who went *cough*xuemin, huong*cough*). so anyway it was juliette, juliette's friend, anthony (juliette's date), madonna, vicky, me, and alyssa. juliette and her friend danced a lot. vicky and madonna danced too, but not as much. and it took a while to get alyssa to dance. they wanted me to, too, but they didn't get me to... for one thing, i can't dance. and also, i didn't like the music (all hip-hop and rap) haha. everyone was trying to get me to dance with a guy. specifically, everyone was trying to get me to dance with either brad or brian.
it was kind of creepy because i think brad wanted to ask me to dance but never did because, everywhere i went, i saw him. it was crazy. he was like... following me. o_O;; but i hung out with brian a little. he was trying to get me to dance too, except he was like really polite about it. he said stuff like, "it's ok if you don't want to, but i'd really like you to dance with me"... haha. what a conspiracy. XD or.... does he actually like me? o_O; wow. a guy who might like me and isn't a stalker. how shocking.
we all went to take group pictures with the photographer who was there. it took forever, but i think they turned out quite nice. ^_^ and when we came back, we saw our english teacher dancing with Jay! o_O; it was quite entertaining. i've never seen any teachers dance before. haha. i hope someone got pictures of that.
the slow dances came up and the first time i just sat around and watched (OMGackt kent and madona make the cutest couple! :D) but then the second time, alyssa pushed me towards brian. and at first i said no, but i said no to him so many times before (normal dances and such) and he looked kind of sad and what not... and also i promised alyssa i would do one slow dance... so finally he was like "may i have this dance?" and then... before i knew it, i was dancing with him. i had no idea if i was doing it right or not, but soon after, i saw this orange light and jumped out of the way because i knew alyssa was trying to take a picture. haha. well the song wasn't over so we went back to dancing and alyssa got a picture of us. hahaha... after he thanked me for dancing with him and what not. and after that brad started staring at me more, especially when i was around brian @_@ this stuff can be so confusing sometimes.
at the end of the dance, brad's friend and his date came up to me and were like "um, will you dance with brad? please??" >__>;; i didn't even really know them, so i just said "i don't want to dance..." and they both said "but it's the last dance! please~~?" and right when they said that, they stopped the music. XD
wow... i still can't believe i had my first slow dance tonight. o___o; i'm really surprised. although i felt really awkward and everything, it was kind of nice in a way. *shrug* maybe he really *does* like me?? >___>; or then again, maybe not. haha. but the entire asian crew seems to think so. even madonna does now o_o;; it's so strange...