ahhhh well the ororon fanfic is coming along alright i guess. it's incredibly cliche, stupid, etc, but then again... at least i've spent mor than 3 days on it XD;;
i got a crazy im last night and it made me scared. but now i think it was just a bot or a prank so i'm not so worried about it. the entire conversation is on my
i'm starting to *really* like shinhwa... o_o lol.
got my practice SAT scores back today. i need to study *a lot* more. most of the good colleges only accept you if you have 2000 or higher, and i only got 1870. of course it was my first try, so i guess i still have time to improve it. zach and madonna were amazed at my score... haha they were like "i'm going to steal your smart-ness" but then if they really wanted to be smart they would steal from someone *else* since i'm not all that smart XD; but anyway here are my scores:
-MATH: 620
-READING: 580 (T^T omg i suck...)
-WRITING: 670 (o_O; i thought i would do horribly on this part)
apparently madonna doesn't want to tell me what she got because she thinks it's really bad compared to mine. and then zach was just like "O_O!" so i don't know what his is either. brian got pretty close to mine.. he got 1840. i'm sure in that room there was some genius who got a perfect score. and whoever that is i'm jealous of him/her!! ah, forget it. i get jealous way too easily.
so now it's off into the world of SAT classes i guess. my mom will be teaching me math and writing, and my dad is going to help me with vocab. i don't know if i'll take an actual class yet, but i'll have to check out how much they cost. they can be really expesnive...
the guy at the testing place said to look for around 8 to 15 colleges that i would like to attend and then see what i should study most for the SAT II (aka SAT Subject Exams). but the problem is i don't even know what colleges i want to go to, or even what i want to major in. there was a lot of useful information about what you could do to improve your college application though... i'll have to like... burn it into my brain or something.
they also gave us a paper about a lot of popular colleges and what SAT scores they are looking for. with my scores now, i could only get into a few... v__v;;
so according to that paper, as of my scores right now, i can only hope to apply to
- Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
- Cal State Fullerton
- Chapman University
- Gonzaga Universtiy
- Hampton University
- Howard University
- Loyola Marymount University
- Morehouse College
- Mt. Holyoke College
- Rhode Island School of Design
- Rochester Institute of Technology
- San Diego State
- Santa Clara University
- Southern Methodist University
- Spelman College
- Syracuse University
- Texas Christian University
- University of Arizona
- University of California Davis
- University of California Riverside
- University of California Santa Barbara
- University of California Santa Cruz
- Univerity of Colorado - Boulder
- Univerity of Denver
- Univerity of Florida
- University of North Carolina
- Univerity of Redlands
- University of San Diego
- University of Texas - Austin
- University of the Pacific
- University of Vermont
- University of Washington
- Wesleyan University
I guess that kind of seems like a lot but that's only the SAT scores. to actually *get in* i would have to have good grades, and extra curricular activities. it's the extracurriculars that makes me worried, since i'm not particularly active in many clubs, so i guess i should start getting really active in clubs next year? besides, i haven't taken any SAT II's and most of those colleges require you to take them...