Member count:
Almost 1700 members! That's so much more than I ever expected!
At this point, I think we're done advertising this project. But I still want to encourage new sign-ups in the future so I'm looking for bi- or multilingual people to translate this message
Calling all Plastic Tree fans!
Click HERE to join Kurage Worldwide, an interactive map of Plastic Tree fans all over the world. This is a gift to the band for their 10th anniversary since going major. Represent where you're from! Don't forget to post your name, e-mail address (don't worry, it won't be shared with anyone), a PHOTO (please don't post a picture of the band or anything inappropriate), and location to make sure your pin shows up on the map.
This baby's going to be posted on Buchi's blog in the VERY near future. Thanks for participating! Oh, yes. If you guys know any other Plastic Tree fans, please tell them about this project!
Ideas, suggestions are welcome. Leave a comment, yes?
to languages OTHER than Portugeuse (thank you,
toremoro), Russian (thank you,
Nottis), French (thank you,
k0zue), Spanish (thank you,
watersafety and
weirdeye), Finnish (thank you,
miitobooru), Chinese (thank you,
heidika69), and Indonesian (thank you,
happygoodnite). It doesn't have to be word for word as long as all the necessary information is included. I'll put the links to the
translations on myspace.
I'm thrilled that the map reflects an international fanbase, but I was expecting more people from France and Germany since pura played those countries in the past. Also, Frappr has recorded numerous visits from Japan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, yet the member count in those countries are surprisingly low o_0 [EDIT: Just to clarify, we don't need to advertise anymore. From here on out, we're more concerned with making this project accessible to everyone (including non-English speakers).]
Please do this for the sake of Kurage who might not understand English. And for the sake of keeping the project alive in the future. Please put [] around the word where I put the link to the map and asterisks (*) around "name," "e-mail address," "photo," and "location." Thanks to those who can help ♥
Speaking of translators, we (really badly) need someone to write about this project to Buchi in Japanese. [EDIT: THANK YOU,
momotee ♥] I tried but just couldn't do it. Trust me. This is coming from a person who once said 「触ってもいいですか」 to an old lady when asking permission to take the seat next to hers on a plane. You can imagine how well that went xD
I hope a kind soul volunteers.
To those who want in on the joke: In this situation, I should have said "SUwatte mo ii desu ka?" ("Is it okay if I sit [here]?"). Instead, I said "SAwatte mo ii desu ka?" ("Is it okay to touch [you]?"). It was really embarrassing.
toremoro and I are planning on sending this the second week of March. Aye? Nay? Let me know :) I wonder if pura will respond. That would KILLL me.
-(an inexplicably nervous) sara
p.s. Bear with me, guys. The end is near, and I'll be out of your hair soon ^^
Myspace member list/history