(no subject)

Jan 26, 2005 02:20

So...random update. Apparently on myspace the new rage is to make blogs about yourself and tell 25 or 50 or some absurd amount of little facts about yourself. At least it's all the rage for girls, it's always rather amusing, and i would like to think they give insight as to what the person is like, however I have my doubts.

I'm getting fitted for new turnout gear this week, and since my department isn't paying for it, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to get some of the extras that noone else has. EMT class starts next week, which is going to suck donkey balls, however my reasons for it are solid. Though I enjoy computer science(it's my current major), I have come to realize that I want to become a career firefighter. A 4 year degree in computer science does nothing for that, and should I retire in 20 or less years (hopefully out of choice and not injury), I won't have a usable skill to take and find a new job. Instead I'm thinking about changing my major to accounting/business. My dad is an accountant and I'm pretty sure he'd be happier than a pig in shit if I did that, not to mention through his practice I would have instant internship and a possible job to go on the side of the firefighting stuff. It seems common that career firefighters have other jobs on the side, since there is enough time off and firefighting doesnt pay nearly as well as it really should. That brings me to my next thought.

Anybody that reads the Daily News or the NY Post surely knows that the other day 2 FDNY firefighters jumped to their deaths out of the 4th floor of Bronx apartment building. The fact that the room aparently and unexpectedly burst into flames, forcing them out, made myself and all of my friends believe that it must have (literally) been hotter than hell in that room, because to take your rescue rope, which they all should have, and anchor it in the window and repel out should only take 20 seconds, yet that was too much time to spare for these guys. If the room had flashed over then that thought is true, (flashover - everything in a room reaches combustable temperature and pretty much all bursts into flames, assuming you're a firefighter in full gear youve got about 2 seconds to get out before you're toast) since the time it would take for all 6 of the men that jumped to set up the lines would be far too much. In today's paper however there were some new clues about the story, it is believed that a pumper supplying water to the fire floor, 1 floor below them, seized and stopped pumping water, which caused the fire to spread up so quickly, and that FDNY stopped issuing personal safety ropes in 2000, the kind of rope that could have saved these guys lives had they had it. That is incredibly sad and irresponsible that the department billed as the best in the world outfits it's people with personal harnesses on their gear, but doesnt give them rope to use with it, no matter what the excuse was, be it money or the extra weight, etc of the rope, it's hard to argue against the fact that those guys might be alive had they had safety lines.
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