Balcony scrubbed - check, rugs washed - check, dresser painted twice - check, although it will still need at least one, probably three more coats in order to truly change to white from its original dark brown status. The horrors of the storage room are still waiting (what?! It was ESSENTIAL that we went to the library to look for Greek mythology books today!) and even if I sorted out the wobbling pile of clothes needing mending at the beginning of my, ha, vacation, I've still got other sewing tasks I should start with. Four days to go, and then it's back to the salt mines *sigh*
Next, questions (yup, LJ seems to know it all *g*):
1) What would be the best container to bring along a small amount of cooking oil? I was stupid enough to toss the one 1 dl bottle of olive oil I had after it got empty, and my attempts at traveling with a small plastic bottle filled with oil might have caused disastrous damages had I not wrapped it in three plastic bags, too. I haven't been able to find any small oil bottles anywhere, not even in Cyprus *sniffs*
What to do with this shirt?
It's linen (=look its way and it wrinkles), and even though I quite like the design (c'mon! I'm forty! I'm ALLOWED to like clothes like this! :D), it's waaay too wide to be actually worn. The sleeves are not... (damn my lacking vocabulary *goes and fetches and English sewing book*) set in (?) but kimono style, which IMO is the most uncomfortable sleeve style in existence. Now, what I wanted to do is, besides to take in from the sides, is to cut the sleeves out and sew them back in, as, um, fitted sleeves. The sleeves are too long for me too (3/4 length would be okay), so I THINK there should be enough material to do it. But since I'm a chicken and I quite like the shirt, I haven't dared to just cut the sleeves off and to try to make them into proper sleeves >_< Any pointers?