British government bans high-fat, -sugar, and salt foods in school cafeterias ...effective September 2006.The review panel, an expert advisory group, was set up after a campaign to improve school meals by TV chef Jamie Oliver. ...
Speaking on BBC Breakfast, [Education Secretary] Ms Kelly said it was "common sense" that some sorts of foods should be excluded from school menus.
"For example, meat products that are made from reconstituted meat slurry that bears no resemblance to the original product."
But plans to raise the standard of school food will not benefit pupils in local authorities where there is no school meals service.
Shadow education secretary David Cameron said: "We welcome this belated U-turn from Ruth Kelly. At the election ministers rejected Conservative proposals to extend a ban on junk food to vending machines, so this is a positive step."
Compare with the U.S. trend, whereby we fret about child obesity at the same time that we extend "free speech zones" for corporate advertising and promotions, e.g. by Coca-Cola and McDonalds, into our public schools, because we refuse to allow the State to fund them adequately.
Also note that it's the conservatives pushing stricter controls on corporate-produced food, for the sake of children's health.
Why is our political discourse so messed up?