Well I admire the fact that you are willing to take the time to really think this over. I didn't spend half that time thinking about any of this stuff when I was in high school and I'm glad kids care. Make sure you stick to that when you're all old enough to vote. But I honestly think your priorities are in the wrong places.
You base much of your support for Bush on his religious beliefs and stances on religious issues. This is the biggest mistake being made across the country. Think about this all for a second. Doesn't it scare you that we have a president that believes God told him to go to war with Iraq? That was Son of Sam's excuse, wasn't it? Every war-waging psycho in history has believed in the concept. Hell, even Hitler was a religious man. But the sad truth of the matter is that regardless of your beliefs, "God" in world politics today is a three letter word that extremists hide behind to justify the horrible things that they do.
As for abortion and gay marriage -- whatever your religious stances are, you are entitled to them. But when it comes to how you vote, you have to think logically and not theologically. The gay marriage debate is something I could rail on about for hours, but in short -- to amend the constitution to prevent gays from being married is like saying one religion is right, and it doesn't matter if the rest of the country, especially gay people, agree with it. What if Islam was the dominant religion in this country, and they wanted an amendment to force all women to cover their faces and dot their foreheads? It's exactly the same as what these so called "conservatives" in the government are trying to do -- force people to live by their personal religious beliefs. That's wrong. As far as abortion goes, I don't really have a moral stance on it. I don't think it's right that girls can just run around getting abortions because they don't protect themselves, but Bush is only furthering that by refusing to fund sex education classes, and only supporting abstinence-based sex education. While it might be a good policy, it's unrealistic to think high school kids aren't going to have sex. They should know how to protect themselves. Imagine the horror that would come out of criminalizing abortion. There would be girls everywhere giving themselves coathanger abortions and tons of kids born to parents who don't want them. This happens enough already. Right or wrong, abortion serves a purpose in our society. Criminalizing it just creates new problems. If you're truly against abortion, you should be voting Bush out and getting someone in there who will teach kids how to effectively protect themselves, because that's the best way to cut down abortion rates. Bush knows he can't reverse Roe v. Wade, it's a gimmick to play on the religious feelings of Catholics to get some extra votes.
As for John Kerry, I agree that he is very much a politician. But welcome to the real world. Bush is just as full of horse shit as Kerry is, and Bush has shown us that time and time again through his policies. "No Child Left Behind" is grossly underfunded and accomplishes nothing. "Clear Skies Act" actually opens up the paths for big corporations to pollute without being punished. "Operation Enduring Freedom" gives us leeway to hand out work to Halliburton employees in Iraq who make more money than the US soldiers who are actually fighting over there. They say they support the troops, but they do nothing to support it. Kids my age, kids I went to high school are dying over there to put money in the pockets of Bush and his rich friends. The sad truth is that full-out honest politicians don't get elected in this country, because people vote for the guy who makes them good sounding promises that he can't keep. I get a sense from Kerry that though he is very much a politician, at his heart I believe he is an honest man who can put our country back on the right track.
You base much of your support for Bush on his religious beliefs and stances on religious issues. This is the biggest mistake being made across the country. Think about this all for a second. Doesn't it scare you that we have a president that believes God told him to go to war with Iraq? That was Son of Sam's excuse, wasn't it? Every war-waging psycho in history has believed in the concept. Hell, even Hitler was a religious man. But the sad truth of the matter is that regardless of your beliefs, "God" in world politics today is a three letter word that extremists hide behind to justify the horrible things that they do.
As for abortion and gay marriage -- whatever your religious stances are, you are entitled to them. But when it comes to how you vote, you have to think logically and not theologically. The gay marriage debate is something I could rail on about for hours, but in short -- to amend the constitution to prevent gays from being married is like saying one religion is right, and it doesn't matter if the rest of the country, especially gay people, agree with it. What if Islam was the dominant religion in this country, and they wanted an amendment to force all women to cover their faces and dot their foreheads? It's exactly the same as what these so called "conservatives" in the government are trying to do -- force people to live by their personal religious beliefs. That's wrong. As far as abortion goes, I don't really have a moral stance on it. I don't think it's right that girls can just run around getting abortions because they don't protect themselves, but Bush is only furthering that by refusing to fund sex education classes, and only supporting abstinence-based sex education. While it might be a good policy, it's unrealistic to think high school kids aren't going to have sex. They should know how to protect themselves. Imagine the horror that would come out of criminalizing abortion. There would be girls everywhere giving themselves coathanger abortions and tons of kids born to parents who don't want them. This happens enough already. Right or wrong, abortion serves a purpose in our society. Criminalizing it just creates new problems. If you're truly against abortion, you should be voting Bush out and getting someone in there who will teach kids how to effectively protect themselves, because that's the best way to cut down abortion rates. Bush knows he can't reverse Roe v. Wade, it's a gimmick to play on the religious feelings of Catholics to get some extra votes.
As for John Kerry, I agree that he is very much a politician. But welcome to the real world. Bush is just as full of horse shit as Kerry is, and Bush has shown us that time and time again through his policies. "No Child Left Behind" is grossly underfunded and accomplishes nothing. "Clear Skies Act" actually opens up the paths for big corporations to pollute without being punished. "Operation Enduring Freedom" gives us leeway to hand out work to Halliburton employees in Iraq who make more money than the US soldiers who are actually fighting over there. They say they support the troops, but they do nothing to support it. Kids my age, kids I went to high school are dying over there to put money in the pockets of Bush and his rich friends. The sad truth is that full-out honest politicians don't get elected in this country, because people vote for the guy who makes them good sounding promises that he can't keep. I get a sense from Kerry that though he is very much a politician, at his heart I believe he is an honest man who can put our country back on the right track.
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