after much deliberation...bush gets my vote

Nov 01, 2004 18:41

here is myt paper for Rice.....tell me what you think.

Maegan Reardon
American Studies
November 2, 2004

The Ever-Changing Politcal Spectrum

Politics, like evolution is filled with change. Take myself for example, I had always backed George W.Bush to the fullest last year, this year I changed my stance and thought of Bush as the “evil man who was leading our country in the wrong direction and we direly needed to take a U-turn”...but then I got to thinking, maybe it isn’t Bush and the White House that needs to take a U-turn, maybe it was my way of thinking. So, once again, I changed my stance in this presidential race. It may sound foolish, but earlier today when we did the Kids Vote, I was adamantly opposed to Bush and although I was not a big Kerry supporter, I voted for him anyways. But it didn’t feel right. I
felt as though I had thrown all of my morals and values out the window just because I didn’t like some certain things about our current president. I felt asthough my vote really didn’t count and that I really sold myself short and it just wasn’t a good feeling. After you walk out from behind the curtain, you should feel great and you should feel as though you are helping to improve your country...but after I darkened in that arrow for John Kerry, I felt nothing but regret and I wanted so badly to erase that black line that was so set in stone and if my vote was real,was supposedly there to help better our country and the condition of America.
Overall, Bush really hasn’t done that shabby of a job in leading our country post-9/11. In all honesty, I am glad that he was in office while it happened. To me, Bush seems very in-touch with his faith and I truly believe that he asked for God’s assistance in running our country. Also, everyone says that 9/11 occurred because of Bush, but
seriously...grow up. America was blind-sided by the horrid attack that took so many American lives and how can you place the burden of it on one man who is trying to unite not divide the country. As cliche as this is, Bush really is a “Uniter” and not a “Divider”. Jada Kiss makes me really mad. In his song “Why” he says “why did Bush knock down those towers?”. GET REAL. In the literal sense, Bush was reading to an group of first graders when the first plane struck the towers and figuratively, that is just an ignorant way of thinking. Why would the President of the United States wreak havick on his own people. That makes no sense.
John Kerry is a chameleon. I was talking to my parents about the issues during this election and what each of the candidates stands for. I get the liberal side during school and I get the conservative side at home. And I really like being a conservative. I may not be as conservative as my parents are, but I am no far left-winger. Referring to ole’ Johnny boy as a chameleon was a stroke of genius and at first I was kind of mad because I still hadn’t heard all the facts and still sort of supported him. But after I heard this, I got pretty upset. John Kerry claimed to have been an avid hunter. While on a campaign stop, he stopped at the L.L. Bean store, he bought a bunch of new hunter’s gear
and a new hunting gun. While speaking, he was recorded as saying something to the effect that he always hunts, supports the right to bear arms, and that he has guns of his wown in a cabinet in his home. When asked what kind of firearms he owns, he replies some sort of Chinese military gun. Even I know that you do not hunt with a Chinese military gun. Also, he claims to be strongly against an individual’s right to bear arms, yet he allegedly owns some of his own? Hmm...that makes you think a little, doesn’t it?
An issue that is very dear to me is abortion. Being raised in a very Catholic environment, I have been taught that life begins at the moment of conception and ends with natural death. Therefore, I am opposed to abortion, the death penalty, and euthenasia. no human being, no matter what doctorate they have, what BAR association they
belong to, or what political authority they have, no one, and I mean NO ONE has the right to take away another’s life, no matter how small or how heinous the crime or how old or how handicapped they may be. Last year in Florida, there was a woman by the name of Terry who was paralyzed and in a near-vegetative state, both physically and mentally. Her own husband wanted the doctor to pull the plug on her respirator. The man who vowed to love her “through sickness and in health til death do us part” wanted to make his bride stop breathing because she was
“non-responsive”. This same woman has been videorecorded and she recognizes her mother’s voice and presence and she knows they doctors who are treating her. She has showed significant signs of understanding what is going on around her. She had made eye contact when someone speaks to her and she can squeeze the speaker’s hand. That doesn’t sound like a near-death person to me. Thankfully, the Florida Supreme Court ruled in favor of terry and she is still alive. John Kerry has voted against banning partial-birth abortion. Yet, he says that he loves his faith and will bring God into the White House. He says that he turned down the ban because he didn’t like the way that it was
worded. OK, if he was a seriously and knowledgeable Catholic, he would know the Catholic Church’s stance on abortion. John Kerry is a walking contradiction. Bush, although not a Catholic, is pro-life. Actually, when it comes down to it, being pro-life or pro-choice is not a matter of religious preferance, but that of what your morals and
values are.
“It was Christmas Eve, 1968 and I was in the jungle of Cambodia...Nixon put me there”...John Kerry has this strange memory that on Christmas Eve of 1968, his position in Vietnam was in Cambodia and that the person who ordered him and other troops there was Richard Nixon. (Not that I think Nixon was an honest guy...but...)...Nixon wasn’t even in office on Christmas Eve of 1968. The president at the time was Lyndon Johnson. Plus, there are documents that show Kerry’s whereabouts on that night. They put him about 300 miles away from
Cambodia, he was no where near Cambodia at the time.
“George Bush is an honest guy who you could sit down with nd have beer with.” Seriously though, when am I going to have a beer with the president (considering the fact that I can’t drink til 2009 or about then). but this is a reason why he gets my vote. He doesn’t seem to be very haughty and although everyone just talks about the tax
cuts for the top 1% of the rich in America, he has cut taxes for everyone. To me, he seems like the “Yeomen Farmer’s”guy.
“Vote or Die” was P. Diddy’s big campaign to get young people registered to vote. It was a great thing he did. But during this election, Americans should not get all tied up in the glitz and glamour of Hollywood and its involvement in the electoral process. Earlier this year, Micheal Moore released his blockbuster politically-strapped
movie, Farenheit 9/11. You heard a little about people wanting to boycott the movie but then when it came time for Sinclair to air their documentary, everyone on the networks went beserk. None wanted to see the movie that might have raised some eyebrows against the decorated war veteran.
During this election, you should not get so caught up in defending your own ideals and what they mean, but listen to the other side and find out just what they mean. You never know, you not be as staunch of a republican or democrat as you thought. You might hear one phrase or sentence that changes your mindset completely. I’m hoping
that Dubya can have four more years in office and he can successfully lead us out of a war that he contibuted our getting into. I’m am confident that he will be and currently is a good leader for the American people. In his own
words, “Lets Roll!”
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