Oct 07, 2009 20:08
Catching up on my ultracheesy guilty pleasure Greek via Hulu. Except there are random episodes not available from time to time. In the current season. So you have to either wait an entire week or just skip those episodes.
I cannot STAND to watch TV eps out of order. (Unless it's something I've seen at least 2x in order).
So OF COURSE I am downloading the two mysteriously missing episodes.
The reason people I love Hulu is because I can watch stuff when I have time. Not when it's on TV during my practice, or at the same time as the other 3 shows I want to watch, or when it's a show that went off the air 10 years ago....
AND because it's a legitimate way to watch the stuff in decent quality. I don't mind people getting paid for their work via the ads I just ingore anyways.
It all started with Napster. (Actually, it probably started the day consumers were able to record cassette tapes at home, but the recording industry is surprisingly stupid and slow). Users created a more efficient way to get what they wanted in a way that they wanted. Rather than look at the users, what they got out of the model, and how to improve that model even further so that it would generate revenue for the people ALREADY USING IT the recording companies were like OMG NO BAD DIFFERENT MUST GO AWAY NAO KTHX! And then iTunes FINALLY came along, but had to agree to all kinds of stupid restrictions (*coughDRMcough*) to even get the copyright holders to cooperate.
When I decided I HAD to finish watching the entire Buffy series (due to that S1 marathon I attended) I used the library (but Buffy is still amazingly popular and takes forever to wait for and I'm not patient) and Hulu. Hulu was awesome. For the first 3 seasons. And then it stops. So what did I do? I just watched it via alternative less-than-legitimate sources. The four remaining seasons. That's roughly 88 episodes someone could have been adverstising to me.
(Aside, thanks to Half Price books I now own the first 6 seasons of Buffy on DVD... how'd that happen?...)
Anywyas, I hardly think that the people at Hulu are thinking "Let's NOT make all of the episodes available". It's some idiot exec at a network who can't see the future current state of things and realize they need to move. Technology is ALWAYS going to be ahead of you. Some 14 year old kid in his basement has already figured out a newer, better, more user-friendly way to deliver what we want.
We need TPTB to embrace the "new & shiny & people are already loving it = GOOD" mindset.
Also: if you're one of these PTB - I'm job hunting and would make an awesome consultant/assistant :)
pet peeve,