I am the very saint of the Indomitable Spirit.
Plantar Fasciitis in my right heel, slowly diminishing.
Small case of gout on right big toe joint brought on by increase in supplementary pills. Pill decrease has led to decrease in pain and size of gout inflammation.
Slight sprain in left wrist brought on by trauma from intense sparring session. Healing well, still triggers while hefting large objects.
Minor increase in arthritic knee pain due to seasonal change.
Swollen, irritated right eye brought on by cat allergens and suspected stray animal hair stuck in eye. Vision is blurry, expected to heal with rinsing.
Sizable avulsion in top side, first knuckle joint of middle finger, right hand. Kitchen mandolin incident resulted in most of skin torn away, leaving good sized abscess with extended bleeding. Applying fresh bandages and pressure at regular intervals; healing is expected to be slow, but full recovery is predicted.
I am currently afflicted with all of the above.
No, I am not backing out of my test this weekend.
I've got a black belt to earn in November.