(no subject)

Feb 26, 2004 12:49

I have been very slack in keeping up with LJ and email recently. Usually the excuse would be because i have a life, but this is folly. Point is the heat wave, crowded home and intense revulsion to using my computer (it generates heat and is also on the verge of death).

I think I may be about 1 1/2 weeks behind in reading my friends list. I shall read them ALL (with much love and affection) tonight.

I am back from class and I am going to go visit Jen and MuMu in about half an hour.I have to try and find Jen's building, the musuem where she works.

I am going out to visit MuMu's school. An independant private primary education institute. Basically this means she can plant super tom tomatoes instead of timestable if this pleases her.

I like that idea heaps. Hence my interest in visiting the school. I very rarely get to see MuMu around other children.

I am finally bak to wearing my contact lenses. This helps since I have volunteer work to do on March 15th at the new La boite Theatre. I get a free ticket to see whichever piece of theatre I am helping out with. Which will be ZIG ZAG STREET.

This was one of my new years resolutions, to take part in another creative industry I have not had much experience in. I tend to get very irritated by Drama types, so perhaps dealing with them, by seeing what it is they are using their irritating abilities for, may just allow me to love them - not hate them.

Also to get a perspective with how a graphic designer has interpreted the production briefs.

I have a few other resolutions but I will only put them down if i accomplish them. I had become very frustrated with my recent lack of doing what I plan. This way seems better for kumbuniko. A new pro-active tactic designed to "just do it" rather than talk about it.

I must go, I must cycle to UQ and then find this Museum. I bet it is harder to find than the sports fascilities.

p.s. manga khan is getting shaved next summer. I rang the vet and yes, they do shave cats!!!! Isn't that wikked?
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