My Thoughts on Graduation and Other Things

Jul 10, 2005 14:14

Well, here is my overdue obligatory graduation post. So I graduated a feew weeks ago, which was actually a really nice ceremony. I can't believe this, but I think that I might actually miss high school. Which is strange, since I've always talked about hating BHHS so much. Speaking of graduation, my parents bought me a digital camera as a graduation gift (A Cannon SD300, really nice model) which was really cool of them since I've been wanting one for a long time. I guess I'll be posting pics on LJ now, prepare yourselves. I also got some cash from my realtives, I don't know what I'm going to spend it on though. I haven't really had time to reflect on highschool, graduation, and what not since I left for Israel the day after graduation. I'm still in Israel right now, I'm not going to leave until the 27th of July, I wonder how my city is doing with out me. For the first ten days of my stay in Israel I was with the Hillel birthright group and for 4 days I am staying with my second cousins at there house in Jerusalem (I'm currently on my last day there), and for the remainder of my trip I will be with the Hasbara fellowship. It was really sad to day goodbye to everyone on the birthright trip, I made some cool friends there. My only complaint about the birthright trip is that most of the people on the trip were older than me, so I felt really young, but it was still cool. I can't wait to start the Hasbara Program it will be cool to meet another group of people. I'm also excited for Berkeley, I am so glad that I didn't chose UCLA or USC because I know that I would have much more fun at Berkeley. I'm also a little nervous to start college, I don't know why though. Anyways, I guess I'll see you guys at the end of July, but until then...peace out!
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