(no subject)

Aug 12, 2009 21:17

remember when we would jump off of Sullivan's front porch and into their bushes, cause we liked how it felt to fall?
maybe we liked how it felt to be caught, and cradled in green..
we can't have been more then 3 or 4 at the time...and we'd line up like lemmings...and stand at the edge of the concrete and one after another, or sometimes in pairs we lift our feet and just jump.

we did it so often i think we probably killed the bush...it was one of those kinda sprucey genaric bushes everyone in our neighborhood had out front. a hardy bush, designed to survive the harsh midwest winter...but it sure couldn't survive us...


had a rather unproductive day at work. i tend to feel at a loss in the days immediately following an Inventory. its such a frantic amount of work in the week run-up and then its 2-3 days of focused energy and no sleep and trying ti find the unfindable and eventually you have to accept the whole idea that you can't fix or find everything (although some people have a harder time with that then others *cough* *KENT*) and then its over and everything has basically been turned back to zero...and the whole process sarts over again. and in 6 months we do it again. harsh man...

part of me must like it, right? i mean...theres this sick little part of me which revels in the pace and the drive of it.

but i've always been the self inflicting masochistic type...i can whip myself, thank you very much....figurativly...mostly....


i'm going "behind the scenes" at Lincoln Park Zoo tomorrow. woot. then a conoeing trip friday with Michelle and Krystal...3 lesbians in a canoe, i'm sure theres a joke can be made out of this...but i'm not the one gonna do it. the slightly terrifying thing is that i'm the only one who is actually a good swimmer...erk....life jackets will be worn.


ok...so...why did no one ever make me listen to Liz Phair? i mean...its not like she's a new artist or anything, so why am i just starting to listen to her. i feel like a total dork cause i can't be like...going up to people and saying like "Oh My God have you heard this chick she's totally rocking out, man!" cause they'll just look at me like..."uh...yeah...duh...."  but I DIDN'T KNOW! cut me some slack, man!
and now i'm talking like The Dude...

so...here is the song which caught my ear and made me go...huh...i should check more of this Liz Phair.

I was talking, not two days ago
To a certain bartender I'm lucky to know
And I asked Henry, my bartending friend
If I should bother dating unfamous men

And Henry said,
"You're lucky to even know me,
You're lucky to be alive.
You're lucky to be drinking here for free,
'cause I'm a sucker for your lucky, pretty eyes."

And then he said,
"Do you wanna be a polyester bride?
Or do you want to hang your head and die?
Do you want to find alligator cowboy boots they just put on sale?
Do you want to flap your wings and fly away from here?"

And I was sitting, not two days ago
Feeling lonely, 'cause I'm just feeling low
And I asked Henry, my bartending friend
Why it is that there are those kind of men

And Henry said,
"You're lucky to even know me,
You're lucky to be alive.
You're lucky to be drinking here for free,
'cause I'm a sucker for your lucky, pretty eyes."

And then he said,
"Do you wanna be a polyester bride?
Or do you want to hang your head and die?
Do you want to find alligator cowboy boots they just put on sale?
Do you want to flap your wings and fly away from here?"

"Princess, do you really want to flap your wings and fly?
Because you've got time."
He keeps telling me, "You've got time."
But I don't believe him
"You've got time."

I keep on pushing harder
I keep on pushing farther away
But he keeps telling me, "Baby",
He says, "Baby, yeah

Do you want to be a polyester bride?
Or do you want to hang your head and die?
Do you want to find alligator cowboy boots they just put on sale?
Do you want to flap your wings and fly away from here?"

"Do you want to be a polyester bride?"
Away from here
"Do you want to be a polyester bride?"
Away from here
"Do you want to be a polyester bride?"
"Princess, do you really want to flap your wings and fly away from here?"

and thats all.

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