Sense of accomplishment

Oct 24, 2011 13:32

I have that.
We have had a rickety printer in the library wherein I work for AGES. It does ONE page, if you get lucky, in a proper manner, and then it begins to get jammed, when the worn-out rubber rollers warm up. And we have asked for a new one but no dice with the cut-backs.
So, when I was dragging stuff out from the boxes on Friday for the big recycling event, I remembered that I have a laserjet of my own somewhere buried in the layer of culture. I rarely used it when I got it from WurstKittyMistress (for free) and now I have a new printer, still in the package waiting to be used. So I excavated in the area of my workstation at home (do not ask, but I felt like a mountainclimber there, balancing all the time on the unsteady surfaces), and lo and behold, found the printer, got it out and cleaned it up of the dust of ages. Plugged it in and it WORKED. Did a test-page with no fuss, only the page showed that the toner cartridge was very low. Well a cartridge the brass SHOULD get for us, I thought, packed the priner into the biggest canvas bag I have (made for carrying a painter's supplies) and off with it I went to work this morning.
Cables fit, AND when I tried the cartridge from our old machine, that fit TOO! And it is full! And we have an extra waiting! YES! So, test page was brill! When I began to label books, I also came across one that needed the donators' label. What could have been a better test run?
The label was PERFECT! I did a small Beagle dance in my head, then went to see our secretary, asked the keys to the cabinet of our webmaster, took the old rickety machine there, gave the empty cartridge to the secretary (they can be refilled, thus cost is less), and now I am looking at my previous machine with certain glee. Yes-yes-yes!
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