Dec 27, 2014 17:23
When you run into limits remember these 5 things.
1. You are connected to everything and as apart of all there is, you can accomplish anything that you work towards.
2. Sometimes the walls in your life are because you need new tools or ingedients. Reach out to experts, use the internet, and boldly ask questions. Find new tools and if they dont exist yet invent the tools.
3. Choose Love over fear every time you are making a decision. Love for yourself and everyone involved. Love for all of creation and mother earth herself. Strive to make decisions where everyone wins instead of just yourself. (This is always possible if we look hard enough.)
4. Think outside the box and find a solution that no one has tried before. We dont have to do things the way they have always been done. If we have put a great deal of thought towards something and it still doesn’t make sense maybe there is another path for us.
5. Recognise that everyone is afraid and they are often giving you advice based on their own fears. It doesn’t mean that it cannot be done it just means that they haven’t been able to find a way to do those things successfully.