This ia fall?

Oct 24, 2006 13:26

I've lived in the northwest before, but Seattle is not at all like this. People keep telling us it rains in Corvallis (and to be fair it has rained, it even rained today) but the days have been full of beautiful blue skies. I keep wondering when the rains will come. One of my biggest concerns about moving back to the northwest is the dreary winter. I'll be interested to see how the worst of the winter compares to my memories of Seattle. It's also been very warm lately, jacket weather, but too hot for a coat. I can't quite believe that Halloween is just a week away. I do hope it cools off eventually--I wasn't so into the weather in So Cal--but for now I'm loving the sunshine.

It has been a while since I've posted, and I feel like I should write about something other than the weather, but life is so full it is hard to know where to start. I've been watching the kids during the day while the rest of the adults are at work. Taking care of the two of them is both fun and exhausting. Kids are amazingly flexible at this age, and both of them have taken to having a constant playmate very well, though there are both upsides and downsides to that. We've all had colds this past week, which is rough. The kids are more needy and Raine has been sleeping poorly, so I've been sleeping poorly and everything is a little harder when you're sleep dep'ed. One of the women in my old writers group would get up at 3am to write before work and she always said that she got into the habit of not needing as much sleep when her children were small. I always thought she was crazy, but I think I can understand what she meant now. I've gone for more than a year on broken sleep, and it has changed the way I look at sleep. I certainly need a lot less of it when it comes in larger chunks and can imagine only needing six hours a night if it were a solid six hours. Of course, right now six solid hours of sleep also sounds somewhat mythical...

The warm weather has made fall kind of sneak up on me. It just doesn't feel like NaNoWriMo season yet. I keep waffling about whether on not I want to do it this year. I'd like to, but I feel pulled in three directions by my writing already, and I'm not sure I want to add another element to that. On the other hand, NaNoWriMo is a great source of motivation for me and I also had not been making my writing a priority until recently. It's felt really good to be hacking away at it again, even though I'm not writing fresh stuff. I'm chugging along on wordsmithing edits on the WIP and hope to have it "submission ready" by November. The next agent on my list has a 5-10 day turn around (as opposed to the 1-3 month turn around of the first agency I contacted) so I want everything optimistically ready to go before I query.

I started this post during Raine's nap, and I'm not sure anymore what all I wanted to say. I like my posts to be little polished gems, with coherent themes and stuff, but if I wait until I have the chance to write one of those I'll just keep not posting. So I guess I'll just post this as is.

kids, weather, sickness, corvallis, writing

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