I am not an aquatic mammal in an arid environment

Jan 12, 2005 15:31

Everybody says this stage of pregnancy makes them feel like a beached whale, but I find the cliche not only tiresome but inaccurate. It is true that I feel like a turtle that's been flipped over when I lie on my back, and there is definitely something seal like in my movements when I ask maxemulien to give me a push so I can roll out of bed. But I am not completely immobile. I can make it up a flight of stairs and out of the car. I can sit and walk and stand--it just takes me longer, and I might have to let out a grunt or two while doing it.

More than anything, I feel old before my time. Old and helpless. maxemulien has always had a tendency to spoil me, but these days it goes beyond cooking dinner without complaint after a long day at work or even making encouraging instead of disparaging noises when I confess to laying around the house all day. We are at a stage where he helps me with daily personal tasks and I respond by neglecting simple courtesies. Technically I can put on my own socks in the morning, but reaching my feet takes more effort than I ever believed possible. And I could hop out to open the garage door when we arrive home, except my hop is more of a groaning heave. It is very strange to be so dependent, and surely there are women out there who don't have some one to lean on, who have to haul laundry even when just walking around makes them short of breath. And so I'm glad that maxemulien lets me lean so heavily upon him. There is a way in which getting through the little irritating day to day things with him has really strengthened our relationship, and I feel like I love him more all the time--though maybe that's just the cuddling hormones coursing through me, preparing me to nurture my baby.

I must admit that I look forward to the day when I can surprise him with a bit of industriousness that is beyond me just now, like shoveling the drive before he gets home from work...but for now I think I might just take another nap.

maxemulien, mushy, pregnancy

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