Well, it's May in Florida. So the garden is coming along well. Lots of interesting plants and flowers...and the butterfly garden is in bloom and attracting butterflies! Alas, I didn't have a good camera with me when I saw an owl butterfly last week. I'll try to keep it near the door so I can grab if needed.
Here are some of the plants that I have growing right now.
This is one of my calla lilies in full bloom. I think it's really beautiful and exotic. The white spots on the leaves are normal for this variety.
Here is an image of the butterfly garden. It's filling in pretty well.
Left side of the tree is gold lantana and milkweed (butterfly weed), Upper left is Madevilla (which I hope will attract hummingbirds).
Across the top is red salvia, below that is crawling purple lantana, center right is a patch of blue salvia, and long the right side is ostospermum (African Daisies).
Here is the corner garden. The Dusty Miller is going strong. Where I only had violas in the center in February, now there is a mixture of pentas, vinca, petunias, salvia, and marigolds. I found a good deal on some pentas (65 cents per container), so you probably notice the 6 I bought yesterday still on their containers. I am debating on mixing them in with this bed, or putting them on the left side as an edging row. I am trying to save the violas by moving them to a less sunny location near some ornamental grass. Some are still blooming, so will see what happens.
One of the neighborhood kids is growing up fast. Caught this pic of a young buck through my kitchen window. If you look closely, you can see the beginnings of his antlers starting to show. There's a small family of deer living in the woods behind the house, and they do love to graze in our back yards. It's like having a little piece of the countryside...right here in the city! I love it!
Well, those are my pics for the moment. Got to jet...lots to do today!