A Day For Many Thanks

Nov 25, 2021 04:57

Today here in America it's Thanksgiving. Being a Buffy fan I remember being amused at it's Thanksgiving show. Years later I can now understand how ahead of it's time it really was. It showed how history is written by those who are in power. Indigenous people were treated horribly by immigrants who stole everything from them. Today many of my country do not want immigrants coming into this country for any reason fearing what will change for themselves. Maybe they are scared of history repeating itself.

Last week I watch a young man go free after shooting three people killing two. The people in power praised him. It was a horrible moment for me. I feel the trial was mishandled. His lawyers were just better at using the law to win.

Yesterday three men were found guilty of murder. This was a very different trial and justice was served in my opinion. These men stalked and murdered an innocent man. One of them thought by taking a video and posting it proved them right in their actions. Thankfully the prosecutor handled this case differently.

No matter where you live, no matter what your politics are, I pray you are safe, healthy and loved on this day of Thanksgiving.


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