Opinion: Abortion

Oct 07, 2020 11:18

Roe vs Wade is being threatened again. It has been limited till it was chipped to pieces. Now there is a push to repeal it completely. Roe vs Wade is about choice not abortion. Pro-life people will say it's murder. I can understand their point of view. They don't seem to understand the whole issue. It's not about wanting to get rid of a child. It's a mixture of issues.

I knew a woman who had seven children. She became pregnant again. Her doctor warned her she might die trying to carry this child. Her priest said she had to give birth to this child. She did and almost died. The next year, once again she became pregnant. This time she did die having the child. So now nine children were without a mother. Don't you have a responsibility to the children you have to be there to raise them? She wasn't allowed to use birth control due to her being Catholic.

There are other issues. Not being able to obtain birth control. Health issues for the mother. Not being able to support a child. Bringing a child into a situation where there isn't a good home for them. Family members who might be a danger to a child. So many things can destroy a child's life.

If outsiders can prevent a woman from making her choices about her own body, then they should be ready to help provide a good life for a child. I object to people who only care about a life before it is born. After they seem to ignore that child and/or the mother might need support in form of housing, food, schooling and health care. A male child seems to come into a world where he is treated very different than a female, a special needs child or a LGBTQ child. A child should be a blessing. But each child deserves a good life. We should be willing to find a way for all children to have a safe and happy life.

real life

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