This is what happens when I am avoidng doing laundry

Jan 14, 2014 13:43

This is my results using Kudagirl:

Your Name is Black

Your name tells people that you are serious and sophisticated. Your name makes you seem like a total mystery.
You are elegant and a bit apart from everyone else. You are much more formal than those around you.

People see you as smart and together. You also come off as a bit eccentric, and others respect that you are different from them.
You can adapt well to most situations, but you never feel like you truly fit in anywhere.

What Color Is Your Name?
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This is my results using my given name:

Your Name is Gray

Your name tells people that you are calm and level headed. Your name makes you seem honest and fair.
You are able to look at things clearly and without emotion. You tend to remain neutral in most disputes.

People see you as reliable and trustworthy. You treat everyone equally, and you don't tend to have any prejudices.
You are naturally calculating and even a bit cunning. You don't like to show your cards too early in the game.

This is my results using my full name:

Your Name is White

Your name tells people that you have good intentions and a pure heart. You try to always speak the truth.
You are happy to step back and let other people shine. You don't seek attention or acclaim.

People see you as someone who is generous and ethical. You can be counted on to do the right thing.
You are bright and clear headed. You can offer a fresh perspective, especially when other people are in a rut.

I tried to edit this on DW to add my full name and do a cut, but it just refused to do a cut.  Sorry.


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