So cute!

Jan 29, 2013 14:52

100 Things Meme #44
Bandit wants to play like the big dogs.

Peace, love and Pit bulls, , a Las Vegas-based pit bull rescue and education organization,
uses treadmills* to properly exercise their adorable crew. However, sometimes puppies
just want in on the action, and that's when things get about 10000000 times more adorable.
This little guy's name is Bandit and his favorite past times include hanging with the big dogs,
being really cute, and scratching the treadmill like it's an old record and he's a DJ. I love him so much.
*I know treadmills and pit bulls get a bad rap, but under the correct supervision, they can be a great way to exercise high energy dogs.

image Click to view

I'm so a dog person. This made me laugh and want a puppy again.
Then I remember potty training so I am happy with my grown dogs.

video, 100thingsmeme

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