To Anon: Please come out of lurkdom

Sep 15, 2010 07:08

Saw this on gabrielleabelle 's journal.

Visit fandomsecrets! It's #141.

This was awesome. Anon took a great deal of time to create this.
It totally made my day. Thank you Anon.

I hope you come out of lurkdom and friend some of us. I lurked for
quite awhile before I got the nerve to speak to many on my flist.
I was in awe of their talent. Those on my flist made me feel very
welcome and encouraged me to post. I still get shy about things
and lurk on a few journals. Yes, there are a few in our fandom
who can be rude, but most are so very wonderful.

This is why I totally hate the whole mess about crossposting
on Facebook/Twitter. Anon would never have read many of
the journals that belong to many of these people if they were
friendlocked.  Stupid LJ.

fandom, flist, welcome

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