Drabble: Barbie Girl Prompt: Film

Sep 13, 2010 17:57

Title: Barbie Girl
Prompt: Film
Setting: ATS Season Five
Disclaimer: No money, only love, not Joss, just me.


Since Harmony was a little girl, her dream had been to have Barbie’s life.

Lots of designer clothes and shoes.

Perfect hair and a shapely body that never changed.

Everyone would envy her with her exciting life.

She would use men and discard them.

Only life didn’t come out quite the way she thought.

Men fell at her feet after she drained them now.

Yes, she was forever beautiful and young.

She wiped away the film of moisture from the mirror.

The mirror that now would never reflect her beauty.

Dreams never turned out the way you thought they would.

harmony, drabble

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