(no subject)

Mar 03, 2009 10:40

Hello CHEG325. This is an announcement that applies to a small, but significant fraction of you, so listen up.

THE PURE COMPONENT Δ(WHATEVER) OF MIXING GOES TO ZERO AT PURE CONCENTRATION. Period. End of discussion. No wiggle room here. This time, I just wrote in some snarky comments ("The city of Atlantis is said to have been lost when its scientists discovered that water, a formerly rare substance, when mixed with itself would just keep expanding. Now it covers 2/3 of the Earth's surface and rises at 1cm/year. Truly, we were fools to play God." or "Your magical expanding water will soon fill the universe; ALL HAIL OUR DAMP OVERLORDS!" or "Mixing pure water evolves energy?! How could our science have missed this? WHERE IS YOUR FIRST LAW NOW!?"), but next time I'm going to give you zero credit for the problem and burn your house down. For all you know, fire will make it more orderly and also cooler.
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