May 25, 2004 21:02
today was an alright day. i actually wore a skirt! =o nothing very overly exciting happened at school today. we sold sr video in the cafe again today. OMFG REMEBER TO BRING YOUR MONEY FOR THURSDAY. yeah congrats to all the idiots who "forgot their money" heh heh. so im watching the season finale of 24 now and the stupid bitch mrs ortega had to kill the only liason to the person spreading the virus because he killed her husband. so right when the dudes picture was uploading, the second before the guy could identify him, she shoots him in the heart because shes a stupid bitch. i hope someone takes her out back and mames her or something. i hate stupid people.
after school i went to the boys senior night and walked in RIGHT WHEN ZAC WAS GETTING OFF THE COURT. so i never got to see him play : (. i was dissapointed and the team lost again. it was fun to watch though, ashleigh wanted to kill herself. afterwards i went to ashleighs house for about a half hour while we waited for jon to come. her family is really nice, i like them a lot. we ate cake, and looked at pictures. then we headed to mikes where we watched the two of them play smashbrothers for what seemed to be an eternity. those boys are going to a smashbrothers tournament in NJ so they are in training. yes you heard me, IN TRAINING! i just found it to be a funny concept, training for a video game tournament. usually you hear of people bulking up for football, or training for a martial art, but these kids, train for smashbrothers. randy was right, he could definitely kick mikes ass now. sorry mike. well nevertheless, i wish them the best of luck in their video game ventures. afterwards we headed to friendlys which was fun. of course there were lots of "nuts over caramel" jokes made in reference to those signs they have hanging off the ceiling. so mike says "my nuts over caramel, 429 slut." (the price of the sundae is $4.29) it was hilarious the way he said it. thats definitely going to be something that'll be quoted for a while. as well as jons "ill jump on her stomach" in reference to mike and jon doing jons mom. oh man it was good. there are just some things that just shouldnt be said, but are absolutely necessary to share, that happened to be one of them. next time you think about jons mom, think about jon jumping on her stomach, and doing his deed. are you thinking about it? are you? good. then i headed back to ashleighs for a little bit. i walk into zacs room to say hi to him, and his willy was waving in the air. luckily, ashleigh went in before me, and was like woahhhhhhh my god, and covered him up. it reminded me of the first time i met him, i was at ashleighs with jon and we are about to leave and zac comes out of his room, announces "im dropping my pants" then proceeeds to pull his pants off, then walked away. i really didnt know what to say. his mom was telling me about how she was so ashamed. so after that i came home and now im here. watching 24. you know what i realized, that on all these cop shows, all these cops seem to know what direction they are facing at all time. as in whether theyre north south east or west. i mean how is that possible to know the direction you are facing in EVERY BUILDING. if anyone can answer me that then ill shutup. but i just cna fathome it. im going to go see how this ends
AC/DC & Phoenix Down conert in 4 days