Apr 26, 2010 01:41
Ht hum..Hut um is thing on?
Umm I got words...
And then I figured out the science stuff and the point is in the end I guess I decided that if i lived like jesus then i could save us all, and thus I set out to live like Jesus. But at the time I was convinced if I could do this we all could. But now I have resonsider such things.
But if it's okay with you guys this time I want to be called Katie and think of myself as Lady Justice. I'm guessing the one thing I got wrong in the thought process was that we are all Jesus. But i got so much wrong and so much right in the figuring it out and confirming it process that my confession took a very long time.
May I please have all gods money and a science book?
I promise to use them in different rooms as to gaurd our privacy.