
Jul 11, 2007 14:49

According to livejournal, it's been six weeks since I've updated. That's a long time.. so I figured I'd give a little update.

Something fairly serious has been going on recently with me.. it doesn't have anything to do with health, family, friends, boyfriend, or anything like that... I can't go into details about it. I am really upset by this thing, though, and I would really appreciate any prayers.

School: I have been teaching summer school and attending training this summer. I've not decided if I want to teach summer school again next summer... I probably won't teach and instead start on my master's degree. I've been extremely busy teaching and trying to get my room ready (which still looks like blah right now).

Family: I am going to Cleveland this weekend. Lance is going with me, and we're just going to have a great weekend of relaxation and hanging out. I really don't plan on doing anything too exciting besides just lounging. :)

Lance: I have been blessed with the most amazing boyfriend that I could possibly want. Seriously. He is so loving and caring. He surprises me everyday with his kindness and generosity. Lance has become my best friend, confidant, and spiritual accountability partner. Besides that, he's romantic and very thoughtful. He's all I could ask for in a boyfriend.

Life in general: Besides the bad thing going on, I have been pretty good. I workout pretty much every weekday and have started playing racquetball with Lance. It has been so much fun!

That's about it for now,
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