
Jun 11, 2009 22:05

I'm so tired.... I guess my stamina sucks. After 30mins into the lesson and I'm already brain-dead... and my playing becomes shit-like. My Emperor Waltz is still sucky. Slurring-wise... I think I improved a tiny bit, its probably too tiny my teacher couldn't tell the diff, hah. My E4 is much better, but still sucky. Had been slacking and was just practicing my string crossing (which was HORRIBLE coz nerves is not good for arm control) and scales. So my scales were ok... but sucked though not that bad, but my song piece was shit.

Am I too old that my muscle memory is taking ages to kick in??? Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I feel like a deflated rubber ducky now.

Today, was taught the minor scales + arpeggios for A & Bb. So that means, I have practice all the major scales + minor scales for... (shit! I forgot which ones) and my arpeggios + emperor waltz + bach minuet 2, with only 1hr a day for 6 days, OH NOOOOOO!!! I AM GOING TO DIE!!!

I think my teacher is going too fast... maybe if I told him that I want to take my grade 3 exam in 2011 sept instead of 2010, he won't rush me too much.
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